The general consensus amongst teenage gamesplayers who I detest was that Quake III was a manly game for manly men, whereas Unreal: Tournament was a limp-wristed game for men who were not manly. There were partisans on both sides, all of seven years ago. Most reviews compared Quake III with Unreal: Tournament, and so did mine.
I assume that there are mods and patches to allow this in Quake III as well, but by 1999 I had begun to grow past the age of caring and I care less in 2006. Unreal: Tournament is the more complex game there are far more modes of play and you can customise the environment and the effects that weapons have upon it. It is the kind of argument that ends up with a drunken child trying to walk along a wall, and falling off and breaking his neck. An argument that stems from a desire not to lose face in front of one's peers by admitting weakness. This is the kind of argument a teenager might use, and it is one of the reasons why I have come to detest teenagers. Some people will argue that I am simply a very poor gamesplayer, and that I am old and have lost my touch. This can be alleviated by lowering the difficulty level, but that smacks of failure. It quickly becomes impossible to suspend disbelief and imagine that you are playing against another person. Quake III is not nearly as bad as all that, but the AI is nonetheless too obviously computerised, in the sense that it is a perfect shot that has been degraded with some clever code. I felt as if I was the navigator of a Russian bomber, contemplating the incoming missiles, unable to dodge or bail out. Six targets at once, from a range of two hundred miles.
They could track you and lead and nail you like the fire control software in an F-14 jet fighter. They could, superhumanly, tell where you were pointing your crosshairs and where you were going. The enemy spacecraft were uniformly perfect shots and were only there to fill out the numbers. In the latter game the AI was duff, in that it was entirely robotic. Quake III reminded me of another multiplayer-only title, X-Wing Vs TIE Fighter. Sometimes I felt that I could even put down my weapon and negotiate with them. They ranged from stupid cannon fodder to absolute fiends, but they seemed alive. I was similarly uninterested in Unreal: Tournament as a multiplayer title, but I enjoyed it immensely because it looked fantastic and the computer opponents were enjoyable.

With this in mind I am uninterested in Quake III's multiplayer game. I certainly don't want to spend time playing computer games with them. I can think of few more unpleasant things than teenagers. If only the Doom film had been done in the same style. There was a lot of hype at the time about curved arches and glowing lights etc, and although it is not the technical breakthrough of its predecessors, the visual style hasn't really dated today. It follows the same visual path as Quake II, in that it is colourful and cartoonish. It appealed to me as much as black pudding, but I admired it nonetheless.īut what about the game itself? Quake III is very attractive. Quake III was a substantial hit that spawned a little galaxy of spin-offs. It was doubly bold of Id to ignore the obvious gap in the market for a single-player Quake III, given that Quake II had sold well and that the obvious competition - Unreal - was also going the multiplayer-only route. Especially here in the UK, where we lagged behind the Americans by a couple of years broadband has only recently become the mainstream.
Previous games in the Quake series had been criticised for their bland single-player experience, and it was brave of Id to damn the torpedoes and put their sterling silver in one basket. I admired Id's boldness in making a multiplayer-only game. They use water, lava and slime sparingly they judge space to be relative to the skill level of the combatants they dispense with slow-moving elevators in favor of fast-paced accelerators and bounce pads they work. They’re created to be gibbing arenas, balanced for fighting. You’ll also find levels designed with fighting in mind, not some preconceived notion restricting a level’s flow. Weapon hits feel like weapon hits, as your character feels like a solid person, not a flighty cartoon. What you will find, however, is a tangible, yet indescribable “feel” of solidity that gives Q3A’s physics such a compelling edge over the competition. You won’t find any new game concepts, nor any new weapon ideas (only the grenade launcher and marvelous plasma-rocket firing BFG10K weren’t released in the Q3Test), nor the most perfect deathmatching Bots. Quake 3 Arena is certifiably a masterpiece in terms of what it has set out to achieve.